¶ Manage user
Update Time: 2025-02-18 09:00:47
This module can perform user directory to delete, search for users, refresh users token, manage user grouped, manage user roles, manage user policy authorization, etc.
¶ Get user information by ID
management.NewClient(userPoolId, appSecret).Detail(userId)
Get user details through user ID, if you want to get user details with token, use AuthenticationClient SDK .
¶ parameter
<String> user ID
¶ Example
client := management.NewClient(userPoolId, appSecret)
resp, _ := client.Detail("60a6f9ad5bcccc51834950c5")
¶ return value
¶ Get a list of users
management.NewClient(userPoolId, appSecret).GetUserList(req)
Get the list of user pool users, the interface is a paging interface
¶ parameter
<int> default: 1QueryListRequest.Limit
<int> default: 10QueryListRequest.SortBy
<SortByEnum> sorting rules
¶ Example
client := management.NewClient(userPoolId, appSecret)
req := model.GetRoleListRequest{
Page: 1,
Limit: 10,
SortBy: enum.SortByCreatedAtAsc,
resp, _ := client.GetUserList(req)
¶ Get all the list of users authorized to be authorized
management.NewClient(userPoolId, appSecret).ListAuthorizedResources(req)
Gets all resources authorized by users, and users are authorized to include resources that are inherited from roles, packets, and organizational institutions.
¶ parameter
<model.ListUserAuthorizedResourcesRequest> Get all resource list parameters objects authorized by the user.req.UserId
<String> User ID。req.Namespace
<String> Permission group code, please seeUse Right Limit Group Management Rights Resources.req.ResourceType
<String> resource Type.
¶ Example
client := NewClient(userPoolId, appSecret)
req := model.ListUserAuthorizedResourcesRequest{
UserId: "611b2ff477d701441c25e29e",
Namespace: "6123528118b7794b2420b311",
ResourceType: nil,
resp, _ := client.ListAuthorizedResources(req)
¶ Sample data
for resource types, there are several of the following resources typesDATA
: type of data;API
: API type of data;MENU
: Menu type data;BUTTON
: Button type data;
: Resource descriptor, if it isDATA
type resource, format isresourceType:resourceId
, such asbooks:*
Represents all books,books:1
indicates a book for ID 1.actions
: The user is authorized to operate the resource.
"totalCount": 12,
"list": [
"code": "menu_a",
"type": "MENU"
"code": "menu_b",
"type": "MENU"
"code": "books:1",
"type": "DATA",
"actions": ["books:delete", "books:update"]