¶ AuthenticationClient: core functions
This client contains methods such as registeration and login, resetting the phone number and email, and modifying account information. These methods need to be requested by end users after they have been verified.
How to use it:
import { AuthenticationClient } from "authing-js-sdk";
const authenticationClient = new AuthenticationClient({
appHost: "https://xxx.authing.cn"
authenticationClient.registerByEmail; // register by email
authenticationClient.loginByEmail; // login by email
¶ Register by email
AuthenticationClient().registerByEmail(email, password, profile, options)
Use email registration, this interface does not require the user to verify the email, the emailVerified field will be false after the user registers. If you want users with unauthenticated email to be unable to log in, you can use the pipeline to intercept such requests.
¶ Parameters
<string> emailpassword
<string> passwordprofile
<RegisterProfile> user profileoptions
<boolean> Whether to go through the complete login process. The pipeline function before and after login and the login event webhook will be triggered.The cumulative login times of the user will be increased by 1. The default value is false.options.generateToken
<boolean> Whether to generate a token for the user. It will not trigger the complete process after login. The user's cumulative login times will not increase by 1. The default value is false.options.clientIp
<string> The real IP of the client. If you call this interface on the server side, be sure to set this parameter to the real IP of the end user.
¶ Example
nickname: "Nick"
generateToken: true
authenticationClient.registerByEmail("test@example.com", "passw0rd");
¶ Return value
¶ Register by username
AuthenticationClient().registerByUsername(username, password, profile, options)
Register with username
¶ Parameters
<string> usernamepassword
<string> passwordprofile
<RegisterProfile> user profileoptions
<boolean> Whether to go through the complete login process. The pipeline function before and after login and the login event webhook will be triggered.The cumulative login times of the user will be increased by 1. The default value is false.options.generateToken
<boolean> Whether to generate a token for the user. It will not trigger the complete process after login. The user's cumulative login times will not increase by 1. The default value is false.options.clientIp
<string> The real IP of the client. If you call this interface on the server side, be sure to set this parameter to the real IP of the end user.
¶ Example
nickname: "Nick"
generateToken: true
authenticationClient.registerByUsername("bob", "passw0rd");
¶ Return value
¶ Register by phone number
AuthenticationClient().registerByPhoneCode(phone, code, password, profile, options)
Register with your mobile phone number, and you can set the initial password of the account. You can find the send SMS interface in sendSmsCode.
¶ Parameters
<string> phone numbercode
<string> SMS verification codepassword
<string> initial passwordprofile
<RegisterProfile> user profileoptions
<boolean> Whether to go through the complete login process. The pipeline function before and after login and the login event webhook will be triggered.The cumulative login times of the user will be increased by 1. The default value is false.options.generateToken
<boolean> Whether to generate a token for the user. It will not trigger the complete process after login. The user's cumulative login times will not increase by 1. The default value is false.options.clientIp
<string> The real IP of the client. If you call this interface on the server side, be sure to set this parameter to the real IP of the end user.
¶ Example
nickname: "Nick"
generateToken: true
authenticationClient.registerByPhoneCode("188xxxx8888", "1234");
¶ Return value
¶ Check password strength
Check the strength of the password. See more details here.
¶ Parameter
¶ Example
¶ Return value
¶ Send SMS code
Send SMS verification code, the validity time of SMS verification code is 60 s.
¶ Parameter
¶ Example
¶ 返 Return value
¶ Login by email
AuthenticationClient().loginByEmail(email, password, options)
Login by email. By default, this interface does not restrict logins to unverified emails. If you want users with unverified emails to not be able to log in, you can use the pipeline to intercept such requests.
If your user pool is configured with login failure detection, the user will be asked to enter a CAPTCHA code (code 2000) when the login fails multiple times under the same IP.
¶ Parameter
<string> emailpassword
<string> passwordoptions
<boolean> Whether to register automatically.If it detects that the user does not exist, an account will be automatically created based on the login account password.options.captchaCode
<string> CAPTCHA code.options.clientIp
<string> The real IP of the client. If you call this interface on the server side, be sure to set this parameter to the real IP of the end user.
¶ Example
autoRegister: true,
captchaCode: 'xj72'
authenticationClient.loginByEmail("test@example.com", "passw0rd");
¶ Return value
¶ Login by username
AuthenticationClient().loginByUsername(username, password, options)
Login by username.
If your user pool is configured with login failure detection, the user will be asked to enter a CAPTCHA verification code (code 2000) when the login fails multiple times under the same IP.
¶ Parameter
<string> usernamepassword
<string> passwordoptions
<boolean> Whether to register automatically.If it detects that the user does not exist, an account will be automatically created based on the login account password.options.captchaCode
<string> CAPTCHA code.options.clientIp
<string> The real IP of the client. If you call this interface on the server side, be sure to set this parameter to the real IP of the end user.
¶ Example
autoRegister: true,
captchaCode: 'xj72'
authenticationClient.loginByUsername("test", "passw0rd");
¶ Return value
¶ Login by SMS code
AuthenticationClient().loginByPhoneCode(phone, code)
Login by phonenumber and SMS code.
¶ Parameter
<string> phone numbercode
<string> SMS verification codeoptions.clientIp
<string> The real IP of the client. If you call this interface on the server side, be sure to set this parameter to the real IP of the end user.
¶ Example
authenticationClient.loginByPhoneCode("188xxxx8888", "1234");
¶ Return value
¶ Login by phone number and password
AuthenticationClient().loginByPhonePassword(phone, password, options)
Login by phone number and password.
¶ Parameter
<string> phone numberpassword
<string> SMS verification codeoptions
<string> CAPTCHA codeoptions.clientIp
<string> The real IP of the client. If you call this interface on the server side, be sure to set this parameter to the real IP of the end user.
¶ Example
authenticationClient.loginByPhonePassword("188xxxx8888", "passw0rd", {
captchaCode: "xj72"
authenticationClient.loginByPhonePassword("188xxxx8888", "passw0rd");
¶ Return value
¶ Get user-defined data
Get all defined data of a user. Before doing this, you need to set user-defined field in the user pool.
¶ Example
const authenticationClient = new AuthenticationClient({
appId: "APP_ID",
appHost: "https://xxx.authing.cn",
token: "ID_TOKEN" // use user's token to initialize SDK
const data = await authenticationClient.getUdfValue();
¶ Sample data
"school": "Huazhong Institute of Techonology",
"age": 20
¶ Set user-defined data
Set value for user-defined data field. Before you set a value, you need to set user-defined field in the user pool. Data type of the passed value must be the same as defined. If setting value failed, it will throw an exception and you need to capture it.
¶ Parameter
<string> Input data. It is an object. See more details in the following example.
¶ Example
const authenticationClient = new AuthenticationClient({
appId: "APP_ID",
appHost: "https://xxx.authing.cn",
token: "ID_TOKEN" // use user's token to initialize SDK
await authenticationClient.setUdfValue({
school: "Huazhong Institute of Techonology",
age: 20
¶ Delete user-defined data
Delete the user-defined data. Before doing so, you need to set user-defined field in the user pool. The type of passed value must be the same as defined.
¶ Parameter
<string> the key of user-defined data field.
¶ Example
const authenticationClient = new AuthenticationClient({
appId: "APP_ID",
appHost: "https://xxx.authing.cn",
token: "ID_TOKEN" // use user's token to initialize SDK
await authenticationClient.removeUdfValue("school");
¶ Check Token and login status
Check Token and login status.
¶ Parameter
<string> the user's login credentials token
¶ Example
¶ Return value
¶ Upload avatar
This method will automatically open an upload box dialog in browser. (Supported file format is image/*
) It will also automatically upload the image to CDN and modify user's avatar.
If you need to use your own image storage service, or the image has already been uploaded, please use the updateProfile
method, such as:
photo: "https://ui-avatars.com/api/?background=0D8ABC&color=fff&name=bob"
¶ Parameters
-options.accept: Supported image format, default is image/*
¶ Code example
const authenticationClient = new AuthenticationClient({
appId: "APP_ID",
appHost: "https://xxx.authing.cn",
token: "ID_TOKEN" // Use the user's token to initialize the SDK
const user = await authing.uploadAvatar();
// Only select pictures in png format
const user = await authing.uploadAvatar({
accept: ".png"
¶ Demo example
¶ Return value
This method will return the user's latest personal information.
¶ Send email
AuthenticationClient().sendEmail(email, scene)
Send email
¶ Parameter
<string> emailscene
<EmailScene> Sending scene, optional values are RESET_PASSWORD (send a reset password email, the email contains the verification code), VerifyEmail (send the email to verify the mailbox), ChangeEmail (send the modified email, the email contains the verification code)
¶ Example
import { EmailScene } from "authing-js-sdk";
authenticationClient.sendEmail("test@example.com", EmailScene.RESET_PASSWORD);
¶ Return value
¶ Reset password by SMS code
AuthenticationClient().resetPasswordByPhoneCode(phone, code, newPassword)
To reset the password via SMS verification code, you need to call the sendSmsCode interface to send the reset password email.
¶ Parameter
<string> phone numbercode
<string> verification codenewPassword
<string> new password
¶ Example
¶ Return value
¶ Reset password by email
AuthenticationClient().resetPasswordByEmailCode(phone, code, newPassword)
To reset the password through the email, you need to call the sendEmail interface to send the reset password email.
¶ Parameter
<string> phone numbercode
<string> verification codenewPassword
<string> new password
¶ Example
¶ Return value
¶ Update user profile
Update user information. This interface cannot be used to update the phone number, email address, and password. If necessary, please call the updatePhone, updateEmail, and updatePassword interfaces.
¶ Parameter
<UpdateUserInput> modified user informationupdates.username
<string> usernameupdates.nickname
<string> nicknameupdates.photo
<string> avatarupdates.company
<string> companyupdates.browser
<string> browserupdates.device
<string> deviceupdates.lastIP
<string> last logged in IPupdates.name
<string> Nameupdates.givenName
<string> Given Nameupdates.familyName
<string> Family Nameupdates.middleName
<string> Middle Nameupdates.profile
<string> Profile Urlupdates.preferredUsername
<string> Preferred Nameupdates.website
<string> personal websiteupdates.gender
<string> Gender, M (Man) means male, F (Female) means female, U (Unknown) means unknown.updates.birthdate
<string> birthdayupdates.zoneinfo
<string> Time zoneupdates.locale
<string> languageupdates.address
<string> addressupdates.streetAddress
<string> Street addressupdates.locality
<string> regionupdates.postalCode
<string> zipcodeupdates.city
<string> cityupdates.province
<string> provinceupdates.country
<string> country
¶ Example
nickname: "Nick",
lastIp: ""
¶ Return value
¶ Update password
AuthenticationClient().updatePassword(newPassword, oldPassword)
Update user password.
¶ Parameter
<string> new passwordoldPassword
<string> Old password, if the user has not set a password, it can be left blank.
¶ Example
authenticationClient.updatePassword("passw0rd"); // oldPassword should be empty for those accounts registered by social login or phone number because they don't set password in first login
authenticationClient.updatePassword("passw0rd", "oldPassw0rd"); // user set a password before
¶ Return value
¶ Update phone number
AuthenticationClient().updatePhone(phone, phoneCode, oldPhone, oldPhoneCode)
Update the user's phone number. Same as update the email, by default, if the user has already bound a phone number, the original phone number (the phone number bound to the current account) and the current email (the phone number to be bound) need to be verified at the same time. In other words, the phone number currently bound to user A is 15888888888, and if you want to change it to 15899999999, you need to verify both phone numbers at the same time. Developers can also choose not to turn on "Verify original phone number", which can be turned off in the security information client under the settings directory of the Authing console. To bind a phone number for the first time, please use bindPhone interface.
¶ Parameter
<string> New phone numberphoneCode
<string> The verification code of the new phone numberoldPhone
<string> voldPhoneCode
<string> The verification code of the old phone number
¶ Example
authenticationClient.updatePhone("188xxxx8888", "1234"); // verify old phone number function disabled
authenticationClient.updatePhone("188xxxx8888", "1234", "156xxxx9876", "1234"); // verify old phone number function enabled
¶ Return value
¶ Update email
AuthenticationClient().updateEmail(email, emailCode, oldEmail, oldEmailCode)
If the user has already bound the email, by default, the original email (the email bound to the current account) and the current email (the email to be bound) need to be verified at the same time. If the currently email bound to user A is 123456@gmail.com, and user A wants to change it to 1234567@gmail.com, then both email need to be verified at the same time. Developers can also choose not to turn on "Verify original mailbox", which can be turned off in the security information client under the settings directory of the Authing console. To bind an email for the first time, please use the bindEmail interface.
¶ Parameter
<string> New email addressemailCode
<string> The verification code of the new email addressoldEmail
<string> old email addressoldEmailCode
<string> The verification code of the old email address
¶ Example
authenticationClient.updateEmail("test@example.com", "1234"); // verify old email disabled
); // verify old email enabled
¶ Return value
¶ Link social account
Bind a social account to main account (phone number or email address).
¶ Parameter
<string> main account Tokenoptions.secondaryUserToken
<string> social account Token
¶ Example
primaryUserToken: primaryUser.token,
secondaryUserToken: secondaryUser.token
¶ Return value
"code": 200,
"message": "binding success"
¶ Refresh token
Refresh the token of the current user.Login is required when calling this interface.
¶ Parameter
¶ Example
¶ Return value
¶ Bind phone number
AuthenticationClient().bindPhone(phone, phoneCode)
The user binds the phone number for the first time. If you need to update the phone number, please use the updatePhone interface.
¶ Parameter
¶ Example
authenticationClient.bindPhone("188xxxx8888", "1234");
¶ Return value
¶ Unbind phone number
User unbind phone number
¶ Parameter
¶ Example
¶ Return value
¶ Get current user information
Get the information of the current user
¶ Parameter
¶ Example
¶ Return value
¶ Logout
Logout, clear user and token in localStorage.
¶ Parameter
¶ Example
¶ Return value
¶ Login by LDAP username
AuthenticationClient().loginByLdap(username, password, options)
Login by LDAP username.
If your user pool is configured with login failure detection, the user will be asked to enter a CAPTCHA code (code 2000) when the login fails multiple times under the same IP.
¶ Parameter
<string> usernamepassword
<string> passwordoptions
<boolean> Whether to register automatically.If it detects that the user does not exist, an account will be automatically created based on the login account password.options.captchaCode
<string> CAPTCHA code.options.clientIp
<string> The real IP of the client. If you call this interface on the server side, be sure to set this parameter to the real IP of the end user.
¶ Example
const authenticationClient = new AuthenticationClient({
appId: "APP_ID",
appHost: "https://xxx.authing.cn"
authenticationClient.loginByLdap("admin", "admin");
¶ Return value
¶ Login by AD username
AuthenticationClient().loginByAd(username, password)
Login by AD username.
¶ Parameter
<string> usernamepassword
<string> password
¶ Example
const authenticationClient = new AuthenticationClient({
appId: "APP_ID",
appHost: "https://xxx.authing.cn"
authenticationClient.loginByAd("admin", "admin");
¶ Return value
¶ Calculate the password security level
Calculate the password security level
¶ Parameter
: the password needed to be calculated, must be in type of string
¶ Example
const authenticationClient = new AuthenticationClient({
appId: "APP_ID",
appHost: "https://xxx.authing.cn",
token: "ID_TOKEN" // use user's token to initialize SDK
const securityLevel = authenticationClient.computedPasswordSecurityLevel(
¶ sample
: level low2
: level medium3
: level high
¶ Get security level of account
Get security level of account.
¶ Parameter
¶ Example
const authenticationClient = new AuthenticationClient({
appId: "APP_ID",
appHost: "https://xxx.authing.cn",
token: "ID_TOKEN" // use user's token to initialize SDK
const securityLevel = await authenticationClient.getSecurityLevel();
¶ sample data
: <boolean> whether bind a personal emailmfa
: <boolean> whether bind a MFApassword
: <boolean> whether set the passwordphone
: <boolean> whether bind phone numberpasswordSecurityLevel
: <number> password security level1
: low,2
: medium,3
: high,
: <number>,account security rating score, maximum is 100
¶ Get the list of all authorized resources of the user
Get a list of all resources authorized for the user to access. This includes all resources that user inherits from roles, groups and organizations.
¶ Parameter
<string> code of the privilege group. For more details, please refer to: Use privilege groups to manage privileged resources.
¶ Example
¶ sample data
type is the type of resource, there are several different values that can be used:DATA
: data type;API
: interface type;MENU
: menu type;BUTTON
: button type;
: resource descriptor, if the resource isDATA
type, the format should be:resourceType: resourceId
, for example,books:*
means all books,books:1
means the book that has an id of 1.actions
: actions that user authorized to operate on the resource.
"totalCount": 12,
"list": [
"code": "menu_a",
"type": "MENU"
"code": "menu_b",
"type": "MENU"
"code": "books:1",
"type": "DATA",
"actions": ["books:delete", "books:update"]