¶ RolesManagementClient
This client is used to manage Authing roles. It can create, query, update and delete roles, add/delete users to/from roles, add/delete role's policy and perform other operations.
¶ Create a role
- RolesManagementClient().create(code)
- RolesManagementClient().create(code, description)
- RolesManagementClient().create(code, description, parent)
- RolesManagementClient().create(code, description, parent, namespace)
Create a role
¶ Parameters
<String> Unique id of the role.description
<String> Description of the role.parent
<String> Parent role code.namespace
<String> Code of the privilege group. For more details, please refer to: Use privilege groups to manage privileged resources.
¶ Example
Role role = managementClient.roles().create(new CreateRoleParam("code")).execute();
¶ Delete a role
Delete a role
¶ Parameter
<String> Unique id of the role
¶ Example
CommonMessage message = managementClient.roles().delete("code").execute();
¶ Bulk delete roles
- RolesManagementClient().deleteMany(codeList)
- RolesManagementClient().deleteMany(param)
Bulk delete roles.
¶ Parameter
<List<String>> Role code list.param
<DeleteRolesParam> Roles delete param object.param.codeList
<List<String>> Unique id of the roles list.param.namespace
<String>> Code of the privilege group. For more details, please refer to: Use privilege groups to manage privileged resources.
¶ Example
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
CommonMessage result = managementClient.roles().deleteMany(list).execute();
¶ Update a role
- RolesManagementClient().update(code, input)
- RolesManagementClient().update(code, description)
- RolesManagementClient().update(code, description, newCode)
Update a role
¶ Parameters
<String> Unique id of the roleinput
<String> Descriptioninput.newCode
<String> New unique iddescription
<String> DescriptionnewCode
<String> New unique id
¶ Example
Role role = rolesManagementClient.roles().update(new UpdateRoleParam("code").withDescription("desc")).execute();
¶ Get role details
Get role details
¶ Parameter
<RoleParam> Role detail param object.param.code
<String> Unique id of the role.param.namespace
<String> Code of the privilege group. For more details, please refer to: Use privilege groups to manage privileged resources.
¶ Example
Role role = managementClient.roles().findByCode(new RoleParam(randomRole.getCode())).execute());
¶ Get roles list
- RolesManagementClient().list()
- RolesManagementClient().list(page)
- RolesManagementClient().list(page, limit, sortBy)
- RolesManagementClient().list(page, limit, sortBy, namespace)
Get roles list
¶ Parameters
<Integer> Page number. Default value:1
<Integer> Roles per page, default value:10
<SortByEnum> Sorting rules.namespace
<String> Code of the privilege group. For more details, please refer to: Use privilege groups to manage privileged resources.
¶ Example
PaginatedRoles roles = managementClient.roles().list().execute();
¶ Get role's users list
- RolesManagementClient().listUsers(code)
- RolesManagementClient().listUsers(code, param)
Get role's users list
¶ Parameter
<String> Unique id of the role.param
<RoleWithUsersParam> Role's user list query param.param.code
<String> Unique id of the role.param.namespace
<String> Code of the privilege group. For more details, please refer to: Use privilege groups to manage privileged resources.param.page
<Integer> Page number. Default value:1
<Integer> Roles per page, default value:10
¶ Example
PaginatedUsers users = managementClient.roles().listUsers("code").execute();
¶ Add users
- RolesManagementClient().addUsers(code, userIds)
- RolesManagementClient().addUsers(param)
Add users
¶ Parameters
<String> Unique id of the role.userIds
<List<String>> Unique id list of the users.param
<AssignRoleParam> Assign role param.param.namespace
<String> Code of the privilege group. For more details, please refer to: Use privilege groups to manage privileged resources.param.roleCode
<String> Unique id of the role.param.roleCodes
<List<String>> Unique id list of the role.param.userIds
<List<String>> Unique id list of the user.param.groupCodes
<List<String>> Unique id list of the group.param.nodeCodes
<List<String>> Unique id list of the group node.
¶ Example
ArrayList<String> userIds = new ArrayList<>();
CommonMessage message = managementClient.roles().addUsers("code", userIds).execute();
¶ Remove a user
- RolesManagementClient().removeUsers(code, userIds)
- RolesManagementClient().removeUsers(param)
Remove a user
¶ Parameters
<String> Unique id of the role.userIds
<List<String>> Unique id list of the users.param
<RevokeRoleParam> Revoke role param.param.namespace
<String> Code of the privilege group. For more details, please refer to: Use privilege groups to manage privileged resources.param.roleCode
<String> Unique id of the role.param.roleCodes
<List<String>> Unique id list of the role.param.userIds
<List<String>> Unique id list of the user.param.groupCodes
<List<String>> Unique id list of the group.param.nodeCodes
<List<String>> Unique id list of the group node.
¶ Example
ArrayList<String> userIds = new ArrayList<>();
CommonMessage message = managementClient.roles().removeUsers("code", userIds).execute();
¶ Get the role policy list
- RolesManagementClient().listPolicies(code)
- RolesManagementClient().listPolicies(code, page, limit)
- RolesManagementClient().listPolicies(code, page, limit, namespace)
Get the role policy list
¶ Parameters
<String> Unique id of the role.page
<Integer> Page number. Default value:1
<Integer> Roles per page, default value:10
<String> Code of the privilege group. For more details, please refer to: Use privilege groups to manage privileged resources.
¶ Example
PaginatedPolicyAssignments result = managementClient.roles().listPolicies("code").execute();
¶ Add policies
RolesManagementClient().addPolicies(code, policies)
Add policies for roles.
¶ Parameters
<String> Unique id of the role.policies
<List<String>> Unique id list of the policies.
¶ Example
ArrayList<String> policies = new ArrayList<>();
policies.add("policy id");
CommonMessage message = managementClient.roles().addPolicies("code", policies).execute();
¶ Remove policies
RolesManagementClient().removePolicies(code, policies)
Remove policies for roles
¶ Parameters
<String> Unique id of the role.policies
<List<String>> Unique id list of the policies.
¶ Example
ArrayList<String> policies = new ArrayList<>();
policies.add("policy id");
CommonMessage message = managementClient.roles().removePolicies("code", policies).execute();
¶ Get UdfValue
Get UdfValue
¶ Parameters
<String> Unique id of the role.
¶ Example
Map<String, Object> data = managementClient.roles().getUdfValue("code").execute();
¶ Get UdfValue Batch
Get UdfValue Batch
¶ Parameters
<String> Unique id list of the role.
¶ Example
Map<String, Map<String, Object>> data = managementClient.roles().getUdfValueBatch(Arrays.asList("code1","code2")).execute();
¶ Set UdfValue
- RolesManagementClient().setUdfValue(code, data)
- RolesManagementClient().setUdfValue(code, key, value)
Set UdfValue
¶ Parameters
<String> Unique id of the role.data
<Map<String, String>> User custom defined data map.key
<String> key.value
<String> value.
¶ Example
Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<>();
data.put("key1", "value1");
data.put("key2", "value2");
List<UserDefinedData> data = managementClient.roles().setUdfValue("code", data).execute();
¶ Set UdfValue Batch
Set UdfValue Batch
¶ Parameters
<String> Unique id of the role.params.data
<Map<String, String>> User custom defined data map.
¶ Example
Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<>();
data.put("key1", "value1");
data.put("key2", "value2");
List<RoleSetUdfValueBatchParams> params = Arrays.asList(new RoleSetUdfValueBatchParams("code", data));
List<UserDefinedData> data = managementClient.roles().setUdfValueBatch(params).execute();
¶ Remove UdfValue
RolesManagementClient().removeUdfValue(code, key)
Remove UdfValue
¶ Parameters
<String> Unique id of the role.key
<String> key.
¶ Example
List<UserDefinedData> data = managementClient.roles().removeUdfValue("code", "key").execute();