¶ UsersManagementClient
Authing User ManagementClient
This client is used to manage Authing users. It can create, query, update and delete users, refresh user token, manage user's group, user's role, user's policy and perform other operations.
¶ Create a user
An administrator can use this interface to create a user and the this process does not need to perform security checks such as SMS code verification and other verifications.
¶ Parameters
<CreateUserInput> User informationuserInfo.email
<String> Email, unique in the user pooluserInfo.emailVerified
<Boolean> Is the email verified?userInfo.phone
<String> phone numberuserInfo.phoneVerified
<Boolean> Whether the phone number is verifieduserInfo.unionid
<String> For the social login user, this field is the unique ID of the user in the third-party social login identity provideuserInfo.password
<String> PassworduserInfo.registerSource
<String> Registration source, you can choose multipleuserInfo.username
<String> UsernameuserInfo.nickname
<String> NicknameuserInfo.photo
<String> AvataruserInfo.company
<String> CompanyuserInfo.browser
<String> BrowseruserInfo.loginsCount
<Integer> The number of logins. This field can be set when you migrate from the original user system to Authing.userInfo.lastLogin
<String> Last login time, a time string conforming to the ISO8601 format. (E.g. "2017-06-07T14:34:08.700Z", "2017-06-07T14:34:08.700 or "2017-06-07T14:34:08+04:00")userInfo.lastIP
<String> The last login (or other activity) IP of the useruserInfo.signedUp
<String> Registration time, a time string in ISO8601 format. (E.g. "2017-06-07T14:34:08.700Z", "2017-06-07T14:34:08.700 or "2017-06-07T14:34:08+04:00")userInfo.blocked
<Boolean> Whether the account is disableduserInfo.isDeleted
<Boolean> mark whether the account is deleteduserInfo.device
<String> DeviceuserInfo.lastIP
<String> Last logged in IPuserInfo.name
<String> NameuserInfo.givenName
<String> Given NameuserInfo.familyName
<String> Family NameuserInfo.middleName
<String> Middle NameuserInfo.profile
<String> Profile UrluserInfo.preferredUsername
<String> Preferred NameuserInfo.website
<String> personal websiteuserInfo.gender
<String> Gender, M means male, F means female, U means unknownuserInfo.birthdate
<String> BirthdayuserInfo.zoneinfo
<String> Time zoneuserInfo.locale
<String> LanguageuserInfo.address
<String> AddressuserInfo.streetAddress
<String> Street addressuserInfo.formatted
<String> Detailed addressuserInfo.locality
<String> RegionuserInfo.postalCode
<String> Zip codeuserInfo.city
<String> CityuserInfo.province
<String> ProvinceuserInfo.country
<String> Country
¶ Example
String email = "test@example.com";
String password = "123456";
User user = managementClient.users().create(new CreateUserInput().withEmail(email).withPassword(password)).execute();
¶ Update user information
UsersManagementClient().update(id, updates)
Update user information
¶ Parameters
<String> User IDupdates
<UpdateUserInput> Modified user informationupdates.email
<String> Emailupdates.emailVerified
<Boolean> Whether the email is verifiedupdates.phone
<String> Phone numberupdates.phoneVerified
<Boolean> Whether the phone number is verifiedupdates.unionid
<String> For the social login user, this field is the unique ID of the user in the third-party social login identity providerupdates.password
<String> Passwordupdates.registerSource
<String> Registration source, you can select multipleupdates.tokenExpiredAt
<String> The token expiration time, a time string in the ISO8601 format. (Such as "2017-06-07T14:34:08.700Z", "2017-06-07T14:34:08.700 or "2017-06-07T14:34:08+04:00"). Set the field to be earlier than the current time can make the user's token invalid.updates.username
<String> Usernameupdates.nickname
<String> Nicknameupdates.photo
<String> Avatarupdates.company
<String> Companyupdates.browser
<String> Browserupdates.loginsCount
<Integer> The number of login times. This field can be set when you migrate from the original user system to Authing.updates.lastLogin
<String> Last login time, a time string in the ISO8601 format. (E.g. "2017-06-07T14:34:08.700Z", "2017-06-07T14:34:08.700 or "2017-06-07T14:34:08+04:00")updates.lastIP
<String> The IP of the user's last login (or other activity)updates.signedUp
<String> Registration time, a time string in the ISO8601 format. (E.g. "2017-06-07T14:34:08.700Z", "2017-06-07T14:34:08.700 or "2017-06-07T14:34:08+04:00")updates.blocked
<Boolean> Whether the account is disabledupdates.device
<String> Deviceupdates.lastIP
<String> Last logged in IPupdates.name
<String> Nameupdates.givenName
<String> Given Nameupdates.familyName
<String> Family Nameupdates.middleName
<String> Middle Nameupdates.profile
<String> Profile Urlupdates.preferredUsername
<String> Preferred Nameupdates.website
<String> Personal websiteupdates.gender
<String> Gender, M means male, F means female, U means unknownupdates.birthdate
<String> Birthdayupdates.zoneinfo
<String> Timezoneupdates.locale
<String> Langeageupdates.address
<String> Addressupdates.streetAddress
<String> Street addressupdates.formatted
<String> Detailed addressupdates.locality
<String> Regionupdates.postalCode
<String> Zipcodeupdates.city
<String> Cityupdates.province
<String> Provinceupdates.country
<String> Country
¶ Example
String userId = 'userId';
User result = managementClient.users().update(userId, new UpdateUserInput().withNickname("nickname")).execute();
¶ Get user details
Get user details by user ID. If you want to get user details by token, please use AuthenticationClient SDK.
¶ Parameter
<String> User ID
¶ Example
User result = managementClient.users().detail("userId").execute();
¶ Delete a user
Delete a user
¶ Parameter
<String> User ID
¶ Example
CommonMessage message = managementClient.users().delete("userId").execute();
¶ Batch delete users
Batch delete users
¶ Parameter
<List<String>> User ID list
¶ Example
ArrayList<String> userIds = new ArrayList<>();
CommonMessage message = managementClient.users().deleteMany(userIds).execute();
¶ Batch get users
Batch get user details by ID
¶ Parameter
<List<String>> User ID list
¶ Example
ArrayList<String> userIds = new ArrayList<>();
List<User> users = managementClient.users().batch(userIds).execute();
¶ Get user list
- UsersManagementClient().list()
- UsersManagementClient().list(page)
- UsersManagementClient().list(page, limit)
- UsersManagementClient().list(page, limit, sortBy)
Get the user list in the user pool.
¶ Parameter
<Integer> Page number, starting from 1. The default value is:1
<Integer> The number of users per page. The default value is:10
<SortByEnum> Sort rules.
¶ Example
PaginatedUsers users = managementClient.users().list().execute();
¶ Check if the user exists
Check whether the user exists. The Authing currently can check username, email, and phone number.
¶ Parameters
<String> User name, case sensitive.options.email
<String> The email address, which is not case sensitive.options.phone
<String> Phone number.options.externalId
<String> User external Id.
¶ Example
Boolean exists = managementClient.users().exists(new IsUserExistsParam().withUsername("test")).execute();
¶ Find a user
Find a user by username, email, and phone number.
¶ Parameter
<String> User name, case sensitive.options.externalId
<String> User external Id.options.email
<String> The email address, which is not case sensitive.options.phone
<String> Phone number
¶ Example
User user = managementClient.users().find(new FindUserParam().withUsername(username)).execute();
¶ Search users
- UsersManagementClient().search(query)
- UsersManagementClient().search(query, options)
- UsersManagementClient().search(query, options, page)
- UsersManagementClient().search(query, options, page, limit)
Search users based on keywords.
¶ Parameter
<String> Search contentoptions
<List<String>> Search optionsoptions.fields
<List<String>> Search user fields. If not specified, the default will be fuzzy search fromusername
fields. If you need a precise search, please use thefind
<Integer> The default value is:1
<Integer> The default value is:10
¶ Example
String query = "query";
PaginatedUsers users = managementClient.users().search(query).execute();
¶ Refresh user token
Refresh user token
¶ Parameter
<String> User ID
¶ Example
RefreshToken token = managementClient.users().refreshToken("userId").execute();
¶ Get user group list
Get user group list
¶ Parameter
<String> User ID
¶ Example
¶ Join a group
UsersManagementClient().addGroup(userId, group)
Add a user to a group.
¶ Parameter
<String> User IDgroup
<String> Group code
¶ Example
managementClient.users().addGroup("userId", "groupCode").execute();
¶ Quit a group
UsersManagementClient().removeGroup(userId, group)
Remove the user from a group.
¶ Parameter
<String> User IDgroup
<String> Group code
¶ Example
managementClient.users().removeGroup("userId", "groupCode").execute();
¶ List policies
List policies of user
¶ Parameter
<String> User ID
¶ Example
¶ Add policies
UsersManagementClient().listPolicies(userId, policies)
Add policies for user
¶ Parameter
<String> User IDpolicies
<List<String>> Policy code list
¶ Example
managementClient.users().listPolicies("userId", Arrays.asList("policyCode1", "policyCode2")).execute();
¶ Remove policies
UsersManagementClient().removePolicies(userId, policies)
Revoke policies for user
¶ Parameter
<String> User IDpolicies
<List<String>> Policy code list
¶ Example
managementClient.users().removePolicies("userId", Arrays.asList("policyCode1", "policyCode2")).execute();
¶ List user defined value list
List user defined value list
¶ Parameter
<String> User ID
¶ Example
¶ Set user defined value
- UsersManagementClient().setUdfValue(userId, data)
- UsersManagementClient().setUdv(userId, key, value)
Set user defined value
¶ Parameter
<String> User IDkey
<String> User defined data keyvalue
<String> User defined data valuedata
<Map<String, String>> User defined data mapdata.key
<String> User defined data keydata.value
<String> User defined data value
¶ Example
Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<>();
data.put("k", "v");
managementClient.users().setUdfValue("userId", data).execute();
¶ Batch set user defined value
Batch set user defined value
¶ Parameter
<List<SetUdfValueBatchInputItem>> itemsitems.userId
<String> User IDitems.data
<Map<String, String>> User defined data mapitems.data.key
<String> User defined data keyitems.data.value
<String> User defined data value
¶ Example
Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<>();
data.put("testKey", "testValue");
SetUdfValueBatchInputItem item1 = new SetUdfValueBatchInputItem(user1.getId(), data);
SetUdfValueBatchInputItem item2 = new SetUdfValueBatchInputItem(user2.getId(), data);
managementClient.users().setUdfValueBatch(Arrays.asList(item1, item2)).execute();
¶ Remove user defined value
- UsersManagementClient().removeUdv(userId, key)
- UsersManagementClient().removeUdfValue(userId, key)
Remove user defined value
¶ Parameter
<String> User IDkey
<String> User defined data key
¶ Example
managementClient.users().setUdfValue("userId", "key").execute();
¶ List user's orgs
List user's orgs
¶ Parameter
<String> User ID
¶ Example
¶ List Authorized Resources
UsersManagementClient().listAuthorizedResources(userId, namespace)
List Authorized Resources
¶ Parameter
<String> User IDnamespace
<String> Code of the privilege group. For more details, please refer to: Use privilege groups to manage privileged resources.
¶ Example
managementClient.users().listAuthorizedResources("userId", "default").execute();
¶ Get user defined value
Get user defined value
¶ Parameter
<String> User ID
¶ Example
managementClient.users().getUdfValue("userId", "default").execute();
¶ Batch get user defined value
Batch get user defined value
¶ Parameter
<List<String>> User ID list
¶ Example
managementClient.users().getUdfValueBatch("userId", "default").execute();
¶ Has role
Has role
¶ Parameter
<IHasRoleParam> Request param.param.userId
<String> User Id.param.roleCode
<String> Role code.param.namespace
<String> Code of the privilege group. For more details, please refer to: Use privilege groups to manage privileged resources.
¶ Example
managementClient.users().hasRole(new IHasRoleParam(user.getId(), role.getCode(), "default"));
¶ Get user role list
- UsersManagementClient().listRoles(userId)
- UsersManagementClient().listRoles(userId, namespace)
Get user role list.
¶ Parameter
<String> User IDnamespace
<String> Code of the privilege group. For more details, please refer to: Use privilege groups to manage privileged resources.
¶ Example
PaginatedRoles roles = managementClient.users().listRoles("userId").execute();
¶ Add roles
UsersManagementClient().addRoles(userId, roles, namespace)
Add roles to the user.
¶ Parameter
<String> User IDroles
<String> Role code listnamespace
<String> code of the privilege group. For more details, please refer to: Use privilege groups to manage privileged resources.
¶ Example
ArrayList<String> roles = new ArrayList<>();
roles.add("role code");
managementClient.users().addRoles("userId", roles, "default").execute();
¶ Remove roles
UsersManagementClient().removeRoles(userId, roles, namespace)
Remove roles from the user.
¶ Parameter
<String> User IDroles
<String> Role code listnamespace
<String> code of the privilege group. For more details, please refer to: Use privilege groups to manage privileged resources.
¶ Example
ArrayList<String> roles = new ArrayList<>();
roles.add("role code");
CommonMessage message = managementClient.users().removeRoles("userId", roles, "default").execute();
¶ Batch kick User
Batch kick User
¶ Parameter
<List<String>> User ID List
¶ Example
managementClient.users().kick(Arrays.asList("userId1", "userId2")).execute();
¶ List user's actions
List user's actions
¶ Parameter
<String> Client real ip address.param.operationName
<String> Operation name.param.operatoArn
<String> Operation arn.param.page
<Integer> Page number, starting from 1. The default value is:1
<Integer> The number of users per page. The default value is:10
¶ Example
managementClient.users().listUserActions(new ListUserActionsParams("clientIp",
"operationName", "operatoArn", 1, 10)).execute();
¶ List user's department
List user's department
¶ Parameter
<String> User ID.
¶ Example
¶ Check user login status
Check user login status
¶ Parameter
<String> App ID.param.deviceId
<String> User's device ID.param.userId
<String> User ID.
¶ Example
managementClient.users().checkLoginStatus(new CheckLoginStatusParams(user.getId())).execute();
¶ User logout
User logout
¶ Parameter
<String> App ID.param.userId
<String> User ID.
¶ Example
managementClient.users().logout(new UserLogoutParams(user.getId())).execute();